Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I do have a Facebook account and have had for quite a few years. Facebook is more my cup of tea than MySpace. I used to enjoy the games quite a bit, but now only go on as a way of sharing ideas about my interests and staying in touch with family that I wouldn't normally see or hear from. I've got so many picture albums stored on there of my family. I check it every morning and every evening. I generally do not look at it during the day while at work. It's not blocked, but I don't feel the need to do that. I know several people do feel that need. If there are people that are "friends" with me on Facebook who cannot keep it clean, I tend to remove those people from my friend list. It's not been a big deal.

One concern I have about Facebook is the recent increase in employers asking for employees' or job seekers' passwords to their Facebook accounts. I feel this is a violation of privacy. Looking at an employees page is one thing. Asking for their password is another. No one should have to give their password to any account.

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