Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Online Productivity Tools

Today, I'm going to talk about a few online tools available. Some I'm familiar with, some I'm not.

1. TinyUrl - This website offers you a place to create a small url out of a larger, unsightly url. It's handy for MLA citation or Twitter.

2. Jing - Perfect for those who want to create instructional videos through screencasting. One drawback with this program is that it only lets you create videos that are 5 minutes or less. If you want more time, you have to purchase the pro version. Recently, I found a screencasting program called Screencast-o-matic. It works just as well as Jing and allows you to create longer videos (15 minutes).

3. Print Friendly - I'm not too familiar with how well this site works, but it seems very handy. It turns any website into a printer-friendly version. This is great for those busy websites that you just want to quickly print out for either student handouts or just to take with you and read.

4. Gliffy - I love Gliffy. I think Gliffy could be useful for all content areas. This website allows you to create all kinds of diagrams and charts. You can even create floorplans!

5. SlideShare - I think SlideShare is really neat and would like to use it more, but unfortunately, it is blocked in my district. I could request it be unblocked, then maybe they'd either unblock it or tell me why it's blocked. Very cool presentation sharing tool.

6. Skype - It seems like all the kids like Skype. It's the video phone that was dreamed about when I was a teen. I've not tried it because there has to be another party that's interested in trying it with you. I've not had any luck with that part yet. Teens are more open to trying than adults.

Try 'em out! See what you like!

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