Monday, February 27, 2012


I love wikis. They're so easy to use and easy to share. You can have them as open or as closed as you wish. Wikis are useful both personally and professionally. I use wikis with my students as a teaching tool - sort of a second textbook. I have students post on the discussion panel of the wiki and lock the actual pages. I have allowed students to actually amend pages of the wiki in the past and that has worked out as well. Some teachers worry about students having access to the actual page, but it hasn't been an issue for me. They know that anything they do will be seen by me with their name on it. It's not like they can get away with anything and if they accidentally mess something up it can always be fixed.

I went to Wikipedia and searched for "urban chicken." There is information there about keeping chickens in the city limits as a source of food. I noticed there was some bias in parts of the article. The article seems to push toward the keeping of chickens rather than giving both sides of the argument. I looked at the "talk" section for this article, and found that others felt the same way about the articles neutrality/bias. Some felt this was an American way of speaking and others disagreed.

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